Educator resources, lesson plans, and training materials.

Indigenous ways of knowing and being are critical for understanding, observing, and addressing climate change.

Hot summer days may sound like a good thing, but they come with many risks to human health. On top of increased risks of heat stroke and exhaustion, hot temperatures can lead to more forest fires smoke problems, promote the development of smog and favour the spread of infectious diseases and pests. 

From the largest farm to the smallest market garden, agriculture thoroughly depends on climate. Learn more about how crops and livestock will be affected, and how farms and farmers can rise to the challenge of climate change.

The climate determines almost everything about how we design, build, and live in our cities. Now, with our climate changing, we need to re-think important aspects of how we live our urban lives.

Canada’s forests stretch across the country and have enormous economic, cultural, environmental, and recreational value. Find out what climate change means for Canada’s forests and trees.

Global warming is happening because human activity is increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere. Learn more about the science behind our understanding of the planet’s climate system.

Climate change impacts all of us. Its causes and effects are deeply linked to all aspects of modern life, which means there are many meaningful choices we can make that will help.

Explore in more detail with longer-form articles that combine text, images, maps, and video.

A growing number of Canadians are experiencing mental health impacts from climate change, either through direct climate events such as wildfire evacuations or through climate anxiety and depression. Learn more about how climate change impacts mental health and strategies that can be used to cope with these distressing emotions...

Infectious diseases are illnesses spread by insects and animals, or in our food and water. Warming temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and longer summer seasons are bringing new and re-emerging diseases to regions across Canada. Learn more about what diseases are in your area, and how to protect the health of yourself and your community...

Our changing climate is leading to worsening air quality, which affects our health. Health impacts can range from sudden-onset breathing problems to chronic diseases from long-term exposure to air pollution. Learn more about how climate change contributes to poor air quality, and what tools and actions you can use to lessen the risk...

Increasing numbers of heatwaves are impacting Canadians due to climate change, in some cases taking lives. The health dangers of extreme heat are widespread, ranging from heat stroke, to aggravated heart disease and respiratory diseases, to mental health impacts. Learn more about the health harms of extreme heat...

First Nations are diverse peoples with many distinct languages, traditions, governance systems that are all connected by respect, reverence, and responsibility for the land. Across these vast territories and over 600 reserve communities, First Nations are witness to climate change, and offer many teachings on how to both survive and thrive complex social, cultural, and environmental change.

Across the Métis homeland, the unique and rich knowledge of Métis people contributes to a greater understanding of how both climate and culture are changing. The resilience of Métis citizens, combined with a deep commitment to environmental protection and conservation, is inspiring climate action and renewal throughout the Métis Nation.

Living on the frontlines, Inuit across the Arctic are long-term sentinels of climate change. Facing climate impacts to well-being, livelihoods and biodiversity, Inuit knowledge is helping communities to navigate and adjust to rapid change across Inuit Nunangat.